ARTICLE II of our Constitution states our MISSION:

We, as members of the diaconal community of the Diocese of Rochester, establish this association to build and nurture community among Deacons, candidates, aspirants, wives, widows and families. Specifically, we join together to promote the spiritual life and to support diaconal ministerial life with special attention to those in formation as they discern their vocation. We do this out of a sense of the unique bond we share, a bond of charity, prayer, obedience to our Bishop, service and witness. As a result of this association, we hope we all will grow as witnesses to Christ, the servant.

Saint Stephen, Deacon - Feastday: December 26 - Patron saint of Stonemasons

Stephen's name means "crown," and he was the first disciple of Jesus to receive the martyr's crown. Stephen was a Deacon in the early Christian Church. The apostles had found that they needed helpers to look after the care of the widows and the poor. So they ordained seven Deacons, and Stephen is the most famous of these.

As the first Deacon to commit his life to the service of the Gospel of Christ with the willingness to follow Jesus even unto death, he provides the vision of diaconal service to the Deacons of the Diocese of Rochester.

Liturgy of the Hours (includes audio as well as text)

Safe and Sacred - Charter for the Protection of Children and Youth


Dear Friends:

All are invited, even encouraged, to join a group of us gathered on Zoom to pray in community (as The Hours was intended to be prayed) every weekday, Monday through Wednesday and Thursday evening and Friday at 8 AM and 5:30 PM:
862 3400 3045 (Meeting)
Disciples (Password)

Thursday morning there is a unique link:

Please prayerfully consider joining us and praying the Liturgy of Hours as it was intended to be prayed, in community.

Peace and blessings from our always and sometimes members, Deacons Ray Defendorf, John Tomandl, Gerard De La Fuente, David Kepler, Brian McNulty, and occasionally George Welch and others.

   Do you know?

   That SSDCA has over 200 members!

   To foster everyone "knowing" each other SSDCA sponsors and encourages participation in four (4) community wide events each year:

  • April-May - SSDCA Annual Deacon Convocation with our Bishop
  • May-June - SSDCA Annual Deacon Ordination Breakfast
  • August - SSDCA Annual Deacon Community Picnic
  • September - SSDCA Annual Deacon Retreat



Upcoming Events

September 6-8, 2024:   Annual SSDCA Retreat, Notre Dame Retreat House, Canandaigua; Fr. Bob Werth, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish  - REGISTRATION and SCHEDULE INFO FOUND ON NEWS & COMMUNICATION  and EVENTS Tabs

September 24, 2024:  Luncheon for Wives of Deceased Deacons, Padre Pio Chapel - INFORMATION ON EVENTS Tab

Saturday, October 26, 2024:  Phoebe's Friends Retreat, Padre Pio Chapel, Gates (see Wives tab for details)

Deacon page on the Diocese of Rochester web site

Deacon formation information at Saint Bernard's School of Theology and Ministry 

Reminder: If any Deacon is considering a paid ministry position, especially one working for a parish or a diocesan entity, please contact the Director of Deacon Personnel for information about the required Remunerated Ministry Discernment process. This process is intended to assist Deacons in considering all the ramifications of entering into a remunerative position for diaconal ministry. Remunerated Ministry Guidelines

                            2024-2025 Dues are due!