“Phoebe’s Friends” contact:
Rose Marie Lombard – email: rmlomb43@gmail.com
“Phoebe’s Friends” Mission Statement: https://www.ssdca.org/wp-content/uploads/Phoebes-Friends-Mission-Statement.pdf
There is a Phoebe’s Friends retreat scheduled for Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 9:00am3:00pm at the Padre Pio Chapel, Gates. The theme is “Aging with Grace,” and the presenter is Dr. Angela Kristan. The retreat will include prayer, presentations, lunch, and a service project, and the cost will be $20.00/person. Additional details will follow from Phoebe’s Friends. Please reach out to Bernadette Rall (bernadette.rall812@gmail.com) or Rose Marie Lombard (rmlomb43@gmail.com) with any questions.